Below is a list of Fishbowl CSV import type names. These are to be used when using the CSV API Call to import CSV documents into Fishbowl. This is not an exhaustive list, we will update this over time to their relevant documentation on Fishbowl’s wiki when appropriate.
CSV Import Name | Documentation |
ImportAddInventory | |
ImportAssociatedPricing | |
ImportAssociatedPricingType | |
ImportBillOfMaterials | |
ImportCarriers | |
ImportCountryAndState | |
ImportCurrency | |
ImportCustomFieldData | |
ImportCustomFieldLists | |
ImportCustomFields | |
ImportCustomerGroupRelations | |
ImportCustomerParts | |
ImportCustomers | |
ImportCycleCountData | |
ImportDefaultLocations | |
ImportDiscounts | |
ImportGenericShoppingCart | |
ImportInventoryMove | |
ImportKitItems | |
ImportLocations | |
ImportMemoData | |
ImportMivaShoppingCart | |
ImportOSCommerceShoppingCart | |
ImportPackingData | |
ImportPart | |
ImportPartAndProductRenaming | |
ImportPartAndQuantity | |
ImportPartCost | |
ImportPartProductAndVendorPricing | |
ImportPartStandardCost | |
ImportPartUnitsOfMeasure | |
ImportPaymentData | |
ImportPaymentTerms | |
ImportPickingData | |
ImportPricingRules | |
ImportProduct | |
ImportProductPricing | |
ImportProductTree | |
ImportProductTreeCategories | |
ImportPurchaseOrder | |
ImportQuickBooksClass | |
ImportReceivingData | |
ImportReorderLevels | |
ImportSalesOrder | |
ImportSalesOrderDetails | |
ImportScrapData | |
ImportShipCartonTracking | |
ImportShippingData | |
ImportTaxRates | |
ImportTransferOrder | |
ImportUnitOfMeasureConversions | |
ImportUnitsOfMeasure | |
ImportUsers | |
ImportVendorCostRules | |
ImportVendorParts | |
ImportVendors | |
ImportYahooShoppingCart |